Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I wont be using this contraption any more. My madam is laughing her head off.

She knows the following:

1. My conscience never allows me to gaff in the house.

2. My pride wont allow me to walk out of my house to gaff.

3. Now the law wont allow me to do it anywhere else.

Looks like I will have to quit altogether.

P/s. Blogger wont allow me to put a title to this post. What to do?


Anonymous said...

Dude, pole sana. Seems HnH alikuwa ameskia fununu akaquit kitambo! All the best in quitting the white stick! Are you game for the meet up on 14th? In case you are hit me up on mblink.n at gmail dot com for details.

Anonymous said...

hmmm simple...QUIT! yeah and no smoking at the meet-up. is smoking at BAT allowed? WAIT, is smoking the harsh one affected?

Farmgal said...

haiya hata wewe you smoke?